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Call & Recall

What we do

Our Bureau service provides call and recall support to manage chronic disease review invitations for 10 practices in Gateshead. This is approximately 105,000 patients, which is more than half of Gateshead’s population.


This service follows Year of Care principles and is a month of birth recall system, designed to recall a patient for multiple conditions at once. This will mean that those patients with more than one condition will only receive one invitation which allows practices to streamline its management of chronic diseases and for patients to attend fewer appointments.


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How does it work:

Using dedicated software which integrates with our patient record system (EMIS), the team run searches each month to identify those who are due for their chronic disease reviews.


We then manually check and validate the list of patients due their review, prepare and post the individualised invitation for those eligible for review. These letters will then be coded into the GP practice system.


If a patient fails to make, or attend and an appointment, a further invitation will be sent the following month. If a patient still fails to do so, the practice will be advised and the patient will be coded as declined.


All of our Bureau staff adhere to strict information governance rules and our service is GDPR compliant.

Bureau Call & Recall Gateshead Icons


  • 52 weeks per year cover. No need to worry about cover for annual leave or sickness


  • Potential for increased income through improved QOF compliance


  • No employment risk

  • Increased staff capacity – reduced workload for GPs, Nurses, Practice Pharmacists, Practice Technicians and administrative staff.


  • Increased space in practice – the team work remotely from the practice freeing up valuable workspace

Other Bureau

Please see some more of our other bureau services here or view all services below



Bureau Document Management Gateshead

Clinical Coding

We provide document management support to 4 practices in Gateshead covering 57,000 patients.

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Connor Atkinson​

Bureau Team Lead






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